Saturday, April 26, 2008

bye bye, blog

I've been thinking about this for awhile--thinking about closing this blog down.

I remember starting this blog as an outlet for my transitional feelings as I stepped into my first "official" full time ministry position. I had things that I was upset about, things I didn't understand, things I didn't agree with, questions for which I didn't have answers, conclusions that were more "initial" than "proven"... and nowhere to get all of them out. Enter cyberspace.

Now, many of those things are still true of me and my current circumstances, but they are true to a much lesser extent. I find that the things that are going on now in my heart, mind, and ministry fit less in the category of "confessions" and more in the category of "questions."

Like so many seasons, you enter into them working off of an old script--with old formulations, assumptions, and answers. As you work your way in, however, the old script kinda fades away, revealing the timeless nuggets that survive from season to season, and allowing space for a new script to be written. I feel like my old script, for the most part, has faded appropriately. I've held on to what is true and timeless. And I'm ready for what is new to be written.

So, goodbye, Confessions of a Young Pastor. Hello [re]written: